We have provided some answers to your questions. Check it out below!What is Leon Valley Christian Academy's (LVCA's) educational philosophy?
We at LVCA understand that children must want to learn and apply themselves in order to achieve academic success. It is because of this basic understanding that we incorporate character development, attitude maintenance, and service into our daily routine. Learning to respect ourselves and others fosters a desire to serve our community; therefore, students will become productive members of our society.
God’s Word is the foundation on which we stand, and we do not apologize for our foundation. By memorizing portions of God’s Word our students will be accessing fundamental lessons in character development, attitude control, and service.
We further understand that parental involvement is essential to a child’s academic success. Realizing this, we expect parents to take an active role in their children’s education. Parents enrolling their children are basically agreeing to a partnership with the school and are acknowledging an understanding of their responsibility to the success of their children’s education.
Is LVCA accredited?
As a Member of the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS), LVCA have access to the direction and accountability needed to properly administrate. The accreditation process requires conformity to a comprehensive list of safety and academic requirements. Although LVCA is not pursuing official accreditation status, LVCA closely conforms to AACS accreditation requirements as closely and continuously reviews these requirements to ensure that we are maintaining high standards of operation.
Are my child's grades transferrable?
In the event the child has to withdraw from LVCA, their grades are accepted at other schools.
How old does my child have to be to enroll?
Students must be the appropriate age for their grade level by September 15th of that school year:
Pre-K4 must be 4yrs
K-5 must be 5yrs old
1st Grade must be 6yrs old
2nd Grade must be 7yrs old
3rd Grade & above must report completion of previous grade level
How do I get my child enrolled at LVCA?
It’s as easy as 1-2-3…
1. Request a tour of the facilities & download the enrollment packet under the forms section of the site.
2. Schedule an enrollment processing appointment & an academic entrance assessment for your child.
3. Bring the completed enrollment forms, birth certificate, current immunization record, and the registration fee to the appointment.
What academic calendar does LVCA follow?
Leon Valley Christian Academy primarily follows the Northside ISD academic calendar. The school day, for all grade levels, is Monday through Friday from 8:15 am to 3:30 pm for Pre K – 12th grade. Daily drop-off time starts at 8:00 am.
Do the students wear uniforms?
The student’s daily school uniforms consists of red or navy blue polo shirts and khaki or navy blue pants or shorts for boys and navy or khaki skirts, shorts, dresses or pants for girls. The Wednesday Chapel uniform is a white dress shirt, navy dress pants & tie for boys and a white blouse, navy skirt & cross-tie for girls. Denim blue jeans may be worn on Fridays and/or field trip days. More information may be found in the LVCA Handbook under the forms section of the site.
Is there before and after school care available?
Yes, there is a program available before and after school for parents that need their child(ren) to stay beyond the designated school hours. Mornings from 6:30 – 8:00 am and evenings from 4:00 – 6:00 pm. Additional fees do apply. More information can be found on the Tuition & Fees page.
Does LVCA provide lunch for the students?
Students bring their lunch Monday-Friday. On Fridays once a month, LVCA provides a complete lunch for the students. This cost is included in the activity fee. Orders can be placed for your children’s meal through Matter of Taste Catering.
Feel free to contact the school office by calling (210) 684-5662 ext. 307 or leave us a message and we’ll help you in any way we can.
7990 Grissom Rd
San Antonio, TX 78251
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
(210) 684-5662 ext. 307